• SWIMMING,a public art project by Monica Jahan Bose
    Location: Marie Reed Plaza, 2201 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20009. (Metro: Adams Morgan-Zoo or Dupont Circle, buses 90,92, 96)
    Installation and VideoSoundwalk Viewing Dates: June 6-20, 2024, open 24 hours
    Opening Event: Friday, June 7, 2024 [date changed due to weather], 5 - 8 pm, with dedication, poetry slam, and live streaming (starting at 6pm)
    Artists/curator walkthrough tour: Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3 - 5 pm
    Walkthrough tours and film screenings: on Tuesdays, June 11 & 18, 2024, 7:30 pm tour followed by short film as part of Adams Morgan Movie Nights (at dusk)
    Performance: Saturday, June 15, 2024, 5 pm
    Curator: Sarah Tanguy
    All events free and all dates are weather dependent.
    Updates and details
    Press Release
    Livestream of Dedication
    Washington Post Review

  • চলমান Ongoing

    চলমান  Ongoing

    চলমান Ongoing
    Location: Aloki, Shala Gallery, 211 Gulshan – Tejgaon Link Road, Dhaka -1208, Bangladesh
    Exhibition Dates: March 1-9, 2024, 3-9 pm daily
    Opening reception: March 1, 2024 at 4 pm
    Curator: Ruxmini Choudhury

    Choloman presents an in progress snapshot of Monica Jahan Bose’s ongoing Storytelling with Saris collaborative art project, addressing climate change and its impact on women, food, and our environment through saris, film, and performance. The word “choloman” in Bangla means ongoing, moving, or continuous and is especially used to refer to films that are running. Monica has worked for more than a decade with women farmers from her ancestral village in Katakhali, Barobaishdia Island, Patuakhali District along with residents of her home in Washington DC and others around the world.

    “চলমান” প্রদর্শনীতে শিল্পী মনিকা জাহান বোস তুলে ধরেছেন শাড়ি, চলচিত্র এবং কৃতকলার মাধ্যমে তাঁর দীর্ঘমেয়াদী প্রকল্প “শাড়ির মধ্যে জীবনগাথা”। এই চলমান প্রকল্পে তিনি কাজ করছেন জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন এবং নারী, খাদ্য ও পরিবেশের উপরে এর বিরূপ প্রভাব নিয়ে। তিনি এক দশক ধরে তার মায়ের গ্রাম (কাটাখালী গ্রাম, বড়বাইশদিয়া দ্বীপ, পটুয়াখালী জেলা), আমেরিকা এবং ইউরোপে বসবাসরত নারীদের যৌথ সহযোগিতায় জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন সম্পর্কিত চিত্র, লেখা, এবং আলোচনা দিয়ে শিল্প করেছেন| “চলমান” শব্দটির বাংলা প্রচলিত সমার্থক অর্থ হল, অগ্রসরমান, অনবরত, অবিরাম, নিরন্তর ইত্যাদি, বিশেষ করে যা ব্যবহৃত হয় চলমান চলচিত্রের ক্ষেত্রে।
    তত্ত্বাবধায়ক: রুক্সমিনি চৌধুরী
    Bilingual Brochure

    Image: © 2018, Monica Jahan Bose, Rising Up, performance still, Miami Beach, Florida; photo credit: Ben Droz.

  • The Paglees: Between Reason and Madness

    The Paglees: Between Reason and Madness

    Exhibition dates: January 19- April 27, 2024
    Opening preview: January 18, 2024 from 5-7 pm (by invitation)
    Location: South Asia Institute, 1925 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60616
    Exhibition hours: Thursday - Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm
    Free on Fridays with code CommunitySAI
    Information and Tickets
    In their debut exhibition, The Paglees investigate – with fierceness, beauty, and wit – the impact on women of generations of patriarchy, religion, white supremacy, colonialism, violence, capitalism, and environmental plunder.

  • Nourish: Storytelling with Saris
    Location: The Nicholson Project, 2310 Nicholson St SE Washington
    DC 20020
    Exhibition Dates: September 10-November 4, 2023
    Opening Reception with Poetry Slam: September 10 from 4-6 pm
    Artist Talk: October 21 from 2-3 pm
    Gallery Hours: Wednesdays 2-6pm + Saturdays 12 noon – 4pm
    More information
    Washington Post Review

    Nourish: Storytelling with Saris is an installation of video, drawings, poems, saris, and kanthas inspired by plants and herbs. Touching the soil and growing food are grounding and nourishing. For the last two years, Bangladeshi-American artist Monica Jahan Bose and DC participants in her Storytelling with Saris project have been connecting with the soil and Earth and food justice issues by nurturing plants on windowsills and planting neighborhood vegetable gardens. This year they planted and harvested in the garden at The Nicholson Project. Bose led a series of planting workshops that included poetry and art inspired by soil and plants. Using performance, sari art, writing, and film, Storytelling with Saris, which commenced in 2012, links DC residents with Bangladeshi coastal women farmers in solidarity to address climate and food injustice.

  • Electric Bangladesh: Fossil Free Futures
    Location: The Foundry, Point Gallery Room, 101 Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA, USA
    Dates: August 1-4, 2023, hours 4-8 pm
    Reception: August 2, 2023 from 5-7 pm
    Details Here

    Please join me at this exhibition, for which two of my works have been commissioned. Five leading Bangladeshi artists are sending a message to GE and demanding a fossil fuel free future, with a new Boston-based art exhibition titled ‘Electric Bangladesh: Fossil Free Futures’.

    Through our artwork, we are calling on GE to end its greenwashing – claiming to be green while backing massive fossil gas projects – and instead back clean renewable energy in Bangladesh.

    Presented by @Climarte and commissioned by @Market Forces, the exhibition will run from 1-4 August at the Point Gallery at @CambridgeFoundry in Boston – right around the corner from GE’s new headquarters.

  • "Above Below Water"
    Group exhibition curated by Beth Ferraro
    Location: Culture House, 700 Delaware Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024
    Exhibition dates: June 2-June 30, 2023
    Opening reception: Friday, June 2 from 6-9pm
    Artist Talk: Sunday, June 11 from 2-4pm
    Open every Saturday and Sunday in June from 11 am to 2 pm, and by appointment (email curator Beth Ferraro at theartisland.dc@gmail.com)
    This exhibit features works by Monica Jahan Bose, Noel Kassewitz, Andrea Limauro, Benny Starr, and Sarah Cameron Sunde. The show takes a deeper look at the current global climate crisis, including rising sea levels, culture, and how we stay connected. From Bangladesh to Anacostia, New Zealand to South Carolina, each piece explores both process and the outcome, weaving together who and what belongs with us now and in the future.

    ABOVE BELOW WATER is part of DC Flood Awareness Week and sponsored by the District Department of Energy and Environment.

  • Gendered Threads Conference in Canada

    Gendered Threads Conference in Canada

    Dates: March 10-March 13, 2023
    Location: Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
    I will be a visiting artist and also presenting and participating in the conference "Gendered Threads of Globalization: 20th Century Textile Crossings in Asia."
    WRAPture film screening and Q&A: March 10 at 5:30 pm, Room 103, Faculty of Fine Arts
    Shiushuta (Needle & Thread) performance: March 12 at 12:30 pm, David Lam Auditorium Lobby
    All events free. You may attend in person or view livestream by registering below.
    Conference Information and Registration

  • WRAPture film at Dhaka Art Summit

    WRAPture film at Dhaka Art Summit

    “WRAPture: A Public Art Project” (40 mins) film screening followed by discussion with Monica Jahan Bose
    Location: Dhaka Art Summit, Shilpala Academy Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Date/time: February 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm

    The film follows a climate justice art project from Washington DC’s low-income Anacostia neighborhood to Barobaishdia, a remote Bangladeshi island on the frontlines of climate change. Bangladeshi-American artist Monica Jahan Bose leads a dozen women farmers and over 200 Washingtonians to co-create 65 climate-themed saris, which wrap five Washington buildings. While they work on the saris, the participants recite poetry, sing, and dance, creating a trans-border community. The film includes rare footage and testimony of the impacts of climate change on coastal women farmers and the power of art to bring about change. It premiered at the Kennedy Center in Washington at a joint event with the Smithsonian.

  • Jalkanya Performance

    Jalkanya Performance

    জলকন্যা কৃতকলা /Jalkanya (Water Woman) performance
    মনিকা জাহান বোস যুগোল বন্দিতে প্রীমা নাজিয়া আন্দালিব
    Monica Jahan Bose in collaboration with Preema Nazia Andaleeb
    Location: starting at the outdoor space at Dhaka University Faculty of Fine Arts and moving to the street towards the National Museum
    চারুকলা থেকে শুরু
    Date/Time: February 5, 2023 @ 3:00 pm, ৫ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৩ বিকাল ৩টা

    দুটি নারী পরিবেশ এবং লিঙ্গ নিয়ে একটি সংলাপ তৈরি করে পানি, দেহ ও বারোবাইশদিয়া দ্বীপের নারী কৃষকদের ছাপানো শাড়ি দিয়ে। প্রীমা: “শাড়ি নারীর কথা বলে| নারী শাড়ি ধারণ করে | নারী শাড়ি ও জল প্রকৃতির অংশ এবং প্রকৃতি আমাদের জীবনের সমন্বয় সাধন করে | কৃতকলাটি প্রকৃতির মুক্তির স্বাদ অনুসন্ধান করে ঢাকার একটি জনবহুল স্থানে।” মনিকা: “নারীরা দীর্ঘ দূরত্বে পানি বহন করে ।জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন, বন্যা এবং ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের প্রভাবে নারীরা ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়।কৃতকলাটি নারী সংহতি প্রকাশ করে।” গ্রামীণ ও শহরের নারীদেরকে শাড়ির নদীতে সংযুক্ত করে চারুকলা থেকে জাতীয় জাদুঘরের পথে নামা হবে। সবাইকে যোগ দেওয়ার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ ।
    Two women weave an ecofeminist performance and dialogue using the body, water, and saris created with women farmers of Barobaishdia Island. Preema: “The sari represents women. Women, saris, and water are part of nature. The performance explores these ideas in a crowded public space in Dhaka." Monica: “Women are burdened with carrying water long distances and suffer the brunt of the impacts of climate change, floods, and cyclones. The piece speaks to women’s solidarity.” The performance links rural and urban women in a river of saris moving from Dhaka University to the National Museum and onwards, with the public invited to join along the way.

  • Pink Power (Carbon Free)

    Pink Power (Carbon Free)

    Pink Power (Carbon Free), installation (in collaboration with AU students, DC residents, and coastal woman farmers of Bangladesh)
    Location: American University, Katzen Center for the Arts, 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington DC.
    Dates: August 12-September 8, 2022. Open daily from 7 am to 11 pm.
    Reception: August 27, 2022, 7-8:30 pm
    Meet the artist/walkthrough tours: September 2, 2022 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm and
    September 6 from 2-4:30 pm or by appointment

  • Light Your Fire, public performance with teens from DC Public Schools.
    Location: Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden, Independence Ave & 7th St., SW, Washington DC
    Date/time: June 11, 2022, 1-3 pm

    This event is brought to you by the Hirshhorn’s Artlab for teens and is open to visitors of all ages.

    Light up your Saturday afternoon with the Hirshhorn’s Artlab Emerging Artist showcase and celebration. Throughout the spring, teens have been exploring and responding to public art, with the goal of reimagining monuments and memorials. Now, visitors of all ages are invited to experience their work. Teen artists will share a collective monumental work titled Hoping for Change, which will remain on view in the Artlab, June 11–24, 2022, before moving to its permanent home at DC’s Coolidge High School. Teens will also share original poetry and perform with local artist Monica Jahan Bose.

    The accessible entrance to the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden is located on the south (Mall) entrance.

    This project received support from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative.

  • SUSTAIN: A Public Art Experience

    SUSTAIN: A Public Art Experience

    SUSTAIN: A Public Art Experience
    Led by artist Monica Jahan Bose
    Curator: Sarah Tanguy
    Location: The LINE DC Facade and Unity Park, 1770 Euclid St NW, Washington DC (@ Columbia Rd NW)
    Metro: Woodley Park/Zoo or Columbia Heights; bus 90, 96, 42, 43.
    Please bring a smartphone and earphones to experience the soundwalk, which will be accessed with QR codes.
    Sari Installation & Soundwalk Viewing Dates: June 1- June 9, 2022, open 24 hours
    Dedication & Poetry Slam: June 3, 2022 @ 7:00 – 8:30 pm
    Film Screening: June 3, 2022 @ 8:30 – 10 pm [sit on steps at Front of the Line; limited chairs available for seniors]
    Poetry & Welcome Farmers: June 4, 2022 @ 10 am – noon [join us at Front of the Line to welcome the Farmer’s Market]
    Walk-through Tours with Artist: June 5, 2022 @ 3 – 5 pm
    Closing & Performance: June 9, 2022 @ 6 pm

    All events free. All events except films livestreamed on Youtube at
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCugMyOgSmQSXZ5YgpqLz7eA Dates may change due to weather. Register on Eventbrite to get details and updates.

    This project is funded by the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities, Public Art Building Communities Grant Program and supported by community and media partners Boathouse Group, The LINE DC, Licking Creek Bend Farm, Adams Morgan BID, We Act Radio, WPFW 89.3, and Moms Clean Air Force.

    SUSTAIN is a collective response to sustainability and the climate crisis featuring community-sourced poetry and art on saris. Made with women farmers from Bose’s ancestral island village in Bangladesh and DC participants of public sari and urban gardening workshops, the saris will wrap around the six grand columns of LINE DC’s façade, and create a welcoming passageway at Unity Park. Other highlights include a soundwalk, poetry slam, and film screenings about sustainable practices and the impacts of climate on agriculture and food security. SUSTAIN marks ten years of the collaborative climate justice project Storytelling with Saris.
    Event Registration for Details/Updates

  • Reflecting Alphabets

    Reflecting Alphabets

    Group Exhibition curated by Usama Saad featuring collaborative printmaking by 26 artists using multilingual scripts
    Location: Museum of Villa Torlonia, Casina del Civette
    via Nomentana 70, Rome
    Dates: October 20, 2021- January 16, 2022
    Exhibition Catalog
    Bose Piece in Show

  • Reimagining the Global Village

    Reimagining the Global Village

    Group Exhibition, Curated by Nirmal Raja
    Location: Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
    273 E. Erie St., Milwaukee, WI 53202
    Dates: October 11 - December 4, 2021
    Panel Climate Change & Sustainability: Transnational Perspectives in Art, Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m. CST, with Monica Jahan Bose, Pamela Longobardi, Jill Sebastian and Liz Bacchuber
    Register for Oct 28 panel
    Details on MIAD Site
    Online Exhibition

  • RENEW @ Washington College

    RENEW @ Washington College

    RENEW Solo Show
    Curator: Tara Gladden
    Location: Kohl Gallery, Washington College, Gibson Center for the Arts, Chestertown, MD 21620
    Exhibition dates: August 31- October 1, 2021
    Artist talk and outdoor workshop: September 15, 2021, 4:30 pm outside Gibson Center
    Gallery visits by appointment only: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
    Gallery website with all details
    Gallery Guide
    Video of Exhibition

    Jahan Bose's Kohl Gallery exhibit, RENEW, will include a selection of saris, paintings, prints, sculptures, artist books, and performance videos that represent her wide-ranging socially engaged practice and recent work exploring issues surrounding climate change within the context of COVID quarantine with communities in Bangladesh and Washington DC. The exhibit will be accompanied by an artist talk and a climate pledge workshop in which our community's pledges will create a new climate sari. Jahan Bose will be a visiting artist this Fall and will meet with students and carry out studio visits.

  • Concrete Dreams Installation

    Concrete Dreams Installation

    Location: DC Arts Center (exterior/sidewalk), 2438 18th
    Street, NW, Washington DC, 20009.
    Dedication/Opening: Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 7 pm, followed by projections from sunset to 10 pm.  Livestreamed at Watch here
    Viewing hours: May 20, 2021 from 6-10 pm, May 21, 2021 from 6 -10 pm, May 22, 2021 from 2-10 pm, May 23, 2021 from 2-6 pm.
    Poetry Slam: May 22, 2021 at 7 pm, followed by projections.
    Projections: May 20-22, 2021 from sunset to 10 pm, livestreamed at |
    Watch here|https://www.facebook.com/StorytellingWithSaris|
    All dates weather dependent.
    Free tickets here

    Click here for PRESS RELEASE

  • Warming Waters Installation

    Warming Waters Installation

    WARMING WATERS, a Public Art Project on the C&O Canal in Georgetown with projections by Robin Bell
    July 23-25,2020 viewing hours 6 am to 10 pm.
    Projections nightly from 9-10 pm, weather permitting.
    Dedication: July 23, 2020, 8 pm, followed by projections.
    All visitors must wear masks and practice social distancing.
    Limited tickets here for projections
    Watch safely at home on livestream

  • Warming Waters

    Warming Waters

    Public Art Project/Virtual Earth Day Event:
    April 22, 2020 12 pm - 1 pm - Facebook Live and Periscope from the studios of Monica Jahan Bose and Robin Bell.
    Event Link - https://www.facebook.com/StorytellingWithSaris/live/
    • Installation showcase, videos, and images of the workshops plus video speeches.

    • July 22-25, 2020 - C&O Canal wall in Georgetown - Open All Day with
    projections Thu- Sat from 9 pm - 10 pm | 1000 Potomac St, NW, Washington, DC.

    Press Release

  • The Tides/La Marea

    The Tides/La Marea

    The Tides/La Marea, Solo exhibition by Monica Jahan Bose
    Curator: Simona Amelotti
    MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Via Nizza, 138, 00198 Roma, Italy
    Location: Red colored "Area Incontri" in the middle of atrium of museum (level 0 and 1)

    The tide is rising, fires are burning, food decreasing. THE TIDES, by Bangladeshi-American artist and climate activist Monica Jahan Bose, is a site-specific installation and climate lab, using collaborative art, film, writing, testimonials, and performance featuring hand-women cotton saris from Bangladesh. Bose invites the public to join her in writing and drawing on a sari which will later be worn as a garment by a coastal woman from Bose’s ancestral village on Barobaishdia Island, Bangladesh. Bose uses blue saris to represent water, the rising tides, and the circle of life. She seeks to physically and emotionally connect people around the world on the issue of climate change. Since 2012, Bose’s collaborative project STORYTELLING WITH SARIS has traveled around the world, collecting over 1,000 written climate pledges to reduce carbon footprint.

    The project is supported in part by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.
    Schedule of events:

    Thursday, December 5 from 1 - 8 pm: Join the artist to co-create the floating climate lab in the upper level red floating platform.

    Friday December 6 from 11 am - 8 pm:  Join the artist in the upper level red floating climate lab for climate art on a sari and climate testimonials.

    Saturday December 7 from 4 - 8 pm:  Join the artist in the upper level red floating climate lab for climate art on a sari and climate testimonials.

    Sunday December 8 from 4 - 6 pm:  Conference -- film screening, talk, and discussion in AUDITORIUM (Level 0).

    Tuesday December 10 from 4 - 8 pm: Join the artist in the upper level red floating climate lab for climate art on a sari and climate testimonials.

    Wednesday December 11 from 4 - 8 pm:  Performance co-creation workshop - Join the artist in the upper level red floating climate lab to plan and co- create the final performance.  

    Thursday December 12 from 6 - 7 pm: Performance in the lobby/atrium. 

    Photo credit: Aviva Cashmira; copyright 2019 Monica Jahan Bose, performance still from “The Tides," Brittany, France, 2019

  • Sustenance


    SUSTENANCE: duo exhibition by Monica Jahan Bose and Anju Chaudhuri
    Curator:  Dawne Langford
    Location: Carroll Square Gallery, 975 F Street, NW, Washington DC 20004
    Exhibition dates:  September 5-21, 2019
    Opening reception: Thursday, September 5, 2019, 6-8 pm
    Closing event:  Saturday, September 21, 2-4 pm
    Gallery hours: M-F, 8 am - 6 pm

    SUSTENANCE presents the compelling work in printmaking, drawing, and painting of Paris-based artist Anju Chaudhuri and DC-based artist Monica Jahan Bose. Chaudhuri's abstract organic images and undulating strokes speak to nature, in balance and disrupted. Bose uses bold lines, symbolic objects, and the iconic sari to refer to the cycle of life and the crisis of climate change.

    This is the first exhibition in DC of the internationally-acclaimed Anju Chaudhuri. The exhibition is supported by a Sister Cities Grant from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts).

    Image credit:  Anju Chaudhuri, Trees (detail), 2016, watercolor, ink, and pastel on rice paper, 88 x 17 inches.

    Press Release
    Review in Washington Post

  • Seven Minutes on the B67

    Seven Minutes on the B67

    Solo Exhibition, Seven Minutes on the B67
    Location: Open Source Gallery, 306 17th Street, Brooklyn, NY
    Exhibition dates: May 22-June 29, 2019
    Gallery hours: Wed-Sat 2 to 6 pm
    Artist Talk: May 3, 2019, 7-9 pm
    Opening reception/iftar: May 22, 2019, 7-9 pm
    Talk by filmmaker Ambika Samarthya-Howard: June 9, 2019, 11 am
    Closing event: June 29, 2019 3-5 pm

    Gallery website

  • WRAPture


    WRAPture, A Temporary Public Art Installation
    Installation Hubs: Anacostia Arts Center, 1231 Good Hope Rd, SE, Washington DC & We Act Radio, 1918 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave, SE, Washington DC.
    Thursday, April 4 — Launch, Viewing hours 3-8 pm.
    From 3-5 pm, Slideshow in Anacostia Arts Center’s Black Box Theatre
    From 5-6 pm, Dedication ceremony/opening at We Act Radio. Reception and viewing continues until 8 pm.

    Second day of WRAPture installation. Viewing hours 1-7 pm.
    From 1-3 pm, Slideshow in Anacostia Arts Center’s Black Box Theatre, featuring the sari workshops in Washington DC and Bangladesh.
    From 3-5 pm, Poetry Showcase by WRAPture Participants, in Anacostia Arts Center’s Black Box theatre.
    From 5-6:30 pm, Reception in Anacostia Arts Center
    Activities and engagement for all ages in Anacostia Arts Center main space.

    Tuesday, May 7 — Celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
    Viewing hours 3- 8 pm.
    From 6-8 pm, Reception/Poetry Open Mic/Cookout at Check It.

    Saturday, May 18 - Final Day of WRAPture installation.
    Viewing hours 2-7 pm.
    From 4-5 pm, poetry open mic at Anacostia Arts Center
    From 5-6:30 pm Closing Reception at Anacostia Arts Center

    More Details
    Press Kit

  • Rising Up

    Rising Up

    RISING UP, climate art action, at Superfine! Miami Beach, Art Deco Welcome Center, 1000 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach December 7, 2018 at 3 pm

    After the performance, join us at Superfine! for a panel discussion on art and climate change at 5 pm, followed by a screening of short performance art films by Monica Jahan Bose at 6 pm.

    Article in Financial Times
    "When It Comes to Sea Level Rise, Can Art Keep Us Afloat?" blog post by Superfine!

  • Footprint - Apotipoma

    Footprint - Apotipoma

    Location: Serafio Sports, Culture & Innovation Center, Pireos 163, Athens 118 54, Greece
    An exhibition, workshops, and performance by Monica Jahan Bose.
    Opening reception and workshop: July 5, 7 - 9 pm.
    "Shelter": workshop with refugee women: July 12, 6-9 pm
    Closing reception and performance Home-Spiti-Bari: July 18, 7-9 pm.
    Exhibition dates: July 5-18, 2019. Hours 10 am - 6 pm weekdays, 10 am to 4 pm Saturdays.
    Curated by: Vasia Deliyianni

    FOOTPRINT-APOTIPOMA is a collective response to climate change and migration. Climate change and conflict are destroying people's homes and homelands, leading to migration of people across borders. Using saris from Bangladesh covered in writing and images by Bangladeshis, Americans, and Europeans, Bose creates an interior space or dwelling within the gallery, speaking to the idea of shelter, safety, and working together to address a global problem. Her works on paper address the disruption of nature by climate change, using a combination of printmaking, painting, and words in many languages. Bose will organize multiple workshops and a performance and will collaborate with refugee women in Athens. Please join the interactive performance on July 18.

    The exhibition is organized by the Mayor's office of Athens and is supported in part by Sister Cities Grant from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, which is supported by the National Endowment on the Arts. It will be held as part of Athens' designation at World Book Capital 2018.

    Press Release
    Curatorial essay (Greek)

  • Weather the Storm

    Weather the Storm

    Civilian Art Projects, 4718 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
    Dates: March 31- April 21, 2018
    Opening reception: Saturday, March 31 @ 7-9 pm
    Sari workshop and sing-a-long, April 14 @ 3 pm
    Closing and artist's talk: Saturday, April 21 @ 3 pm
    Gallery hours:12-6pm Saturday, and by appointment info@civilianartprojects.com

    Weather the Storm centers on a series of performances and climate art actions that Monica Jahan Bose has led since November 2016, presenting new paintings, video, prints and saris. The title of the show derives from a Bengali song that the artist has been singing in her performances, lines from which appear in her paintings. She has taken Tagore’s "Kharobayu Boye Bege (Storm Winds Are Blowing)" and replaced “O boatman” with “O Woman” to create a feminist song about working together to row a boat to shore during a storm. Over several years, she has collaborated with homeless women from Calvary Women’s Services in Anacostia as well as women from One Billion Rising, a global platform to end violence against women, and the women of her ancestral village, Katakhali Village, Barobaishdia Island, Bangladesh. Bose’s performances, paintings, videos, works on paper, and saris explore themes of empowerment, environment, mythology, and community.

    A Bangladeshi-American artist and lawyer who has lived in seven countries, Bose uses Bengali and English text and women’s writing as integral elements in her work, highlighting multilingualism and women’s agency and literacy. Bose has long used the sari — 18 feet of unstitched handwoven fabric — to represent women’s lives, both in her paintings and her ongoing social practice project Storytelling with Saris.

    She has started using the coconut as a symbol of climate resilience. Each of her recent performances about climate change — in Miami, Washington DC, Honolulu, Paris, and Katakhali Village, Bangladesh — involved months of planning to create a woman-centered community, which comes together to collect dozens of coconuts to build a raft, sew saris together to make a massive sari, write carbon reduction pledges on saris, or grow and plant a coconut tree.

    Image: Storm Winds Are Blowing, 2018, 35 x 51 in.

    The exhibition is accompanied by a new publication, Rising Up to Climate Change: Storytelling with Saris, and is funded in part by a grant from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, which is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.



    Installation/ art action / performance in collaboration with Anju Chaudhuri
    Location: Galerie Six Elzevir, 6 rue Elzevir, Paris 75003, France
    October 16, 2017 noon - 9 pm.

    Press release in French and English

  • RECLAIM at Smithsonian's "Ae Kai"

    Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center presents "Ae Kai," a culture lab on convergence
    Dates: July 7-9, 2017, 11 am to 9 pm
    Location: Site of former Foodland, Ala Moana Shopping Center, Honololu, Hawai'i

    I will be presenting RECLAIM, an installation and interactive language and climate lab in collaboration with Hawai'ian artist Hina Kneubuhl. I am also collaborating with Hawai'ian artist Sloane Leong on a zine about the language movements in Hawai'i and Bangladesh.
    Special performance on Saturday, July 8, 2017 at 4:00 pm, starting at the Foodland site and moving to Ala Moana beach park.
    Website for the Smithsonian "Ae Kai" Culture Lab

  • Ornate/Activate @ Villa Terrace Museum

    Ornate/Activate @ Villa Terrace Museum

    Location: Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Milwaukee, WI
    February 16, 2017 - May 14, 2017
    Talk by Monica Jahan Bose on February 16, 2017.

    Ornate/Activate examines the use of decorative arts and motifs, architectural elements, scripts, traditional materials, and other forms of pattern-making by artists of South Asian origin to create meaningful and critical content. The exhibition, organized by the South Asian Women’s Creative Collective (SAWCC) and curated by Alexander Campos, addresses themes such as inequality stemming from the global economy, loss of language and culture, gender violence, discrimination, segregation, and issues of equality and identity. The artists in Ornate/Activate recognize a need to reclaim tactile and decorative methods of making as a way to address social, political, and economic issues and also to confront the ever-growing presence of technology in everyday life.

    Exhibiting Artists:
    Nida Abidi, Fariba Alam, Kamal Badhey, Shelly Bahl, Marcy Chevali, Priyanka Dasgupta, Roya Farassat, Asha Ganpat, Parisa Ghaderi, Zainab Hussain, Monica Jahan Bose, Vandana Jain, Umber Majeed, Radhika Mathews, Indrani Nayar-Gall, Nirmal Raja, Sausan Saulat, Suran Song, Udita Upadhyaya.

    Press in Milwaukee Sentinel

  • AddaArt Public Performance

    AddaArt Public Performance

    Address: Ave C Plaza, Kensington, Brooklyn, NY
    Time: July 16, 2016, 4:30 to 7:30 pm

    Arts & Democracy presents AddaArt, a workshop, oral history project, and performance initiated by artist/activist Monica Jahan Bose in collaboration with the Bangladeshi immigrant community in Kensington, Brooklyn.  The project is bilingual, in Bengali and English.  The project team includes project coordinator Hasiba Haq and cultural organizers Caron Atlas and Michelle Proffit. 

    “Adda" is the Bengali word for intense conversation - both intellectual and personal - often carried out in public places and accompanied by tea and snacks.  The Oxford English Dictionary defines “adda” as “a place where people gather for conversation.”  Adda has usually been the privilege of men, while women and girls are relegated to the domestic sphere in South Asia and its diaspora. Adda and Art come together in AddaArt, to highlight the rich art and stories of the community.

  • Gender InEquality in the Arts

    Gender InEquality in the Arts

    Panel discussion at GWU/Corcoran.
    Address: Corcoran Auditorium, 500 17th St., NW, Washington, DC
    Time: Saturday, April 9, 2016 @ 2 pm.

    George Washington University's Association of Graduate Art Students is hosting a panel discussion with some of the leading art professionals in DC!
    The panelists are as follows: Dr. Cristin McKnight Sethi will moderate this panel. She is an art historian and curator of South Asian art with a focus on textiles and folk art. She holds a PhD from University of California, Berkeley.

    Dr. Melissa Chiu is the director of the Smithsonian's Hirshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. She oversees a staff of 50 and a collection of nearly 12,000 objects that represent pieces by leading artists from the late 19th century to the present day. She received her PhD from University of Western Sydney.

    Monica Jahan Bose is an artist whose paintings, works on paper, performances and installations are symbolic narratives addressing gender, women's literacy and sexuality, and climate change. She strategically moves across media and disciplines to address complex issues and engage diverse audiences.

    Victoria Reis is the Co-Founder, Executive & Artistic Director of Transformer, founded in 2002 in Washington, DC. She began her career in contemporary visual arts at the National Association of Artist's Organization.

    Dr. Nicole Ivy is the Museum Futurist fellow at the American Alliance of Museums. Her work focuses on museum labor practices, especially as they affect diversity, equity and audience. She received her PhD from Yale University.

  • Cinema Green Film Screening "Climate Change and Bangladesh"

    Address: Haven South Beach, 1237 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139
    Date: April 1, 2016 @ 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

    Cinema Green of the Environmental Coalition of Miami and the Beaches presents three short documentary films, JALOBAYU by Monica Jahan Bose; Her Words:Storytelling with Saris by Monica Jahan Boe and Nandita Ahmed and
    Thirty Million by Daniel Price and Adrien Taylor. Featuring Q&A with Monica Jahan Bose.

  • Perform(art)tive

    Curated and organized by Twelve Gates Gallery
    October 25, 2015; 5:30 to 8:30 pm
    Location: Urban Center Annex to the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design at Drexel University.3401 Filbert St, Philadelphia, PA 19104
    Performance art festival featuring Monica Jahan Bose, Shazia Shikander, Sumit Baudh, and Qasim Reza. Monica Jahan Bose will create RISING, a performance/installation.
    Twelve Gates Website and details
    Review of event in Express Tribune

  • "Climate and Actions" Exhibition in Washington DC

  • "And Then" Exhibition at Bangladesh National Museum

    Bangladesh National Museum, Shahbagh, Dhaka
    Dates: February 8-14, 2015
    Opening Reception with live music: February 10 from 4 to 6 pm
    Performance with One Billion Rising: February 14 at 5 pm
    Prothom Alo, Feb. 14, 2015
    Prothom Alo, Feb. 21, 2015
    Ittefaq Feb. 2015
    NTV Online Feb. 2015

  • SELECT Art Fair, Miami Beach

    Address: Select Pavilion, Booth C3, 73rd and Collins Ave, Miami Beach
    Dates: December 2-7, 2014, hours 11 am to 8 pm except Sunday (till 5 pm)
    VIP preview: December 2, 2014, 4 - 8 pm
    Cosmos Gallery is presenting Rokeya Sultana, Monica Jahan Bose, and Preema Nazia Andaleeb. I have an installation of saris, video, photographs and prints. I am also doing a performance called JALOBAYU on December 5 at 4 pm.
    Press Release
    Mapanare Nov. 2014
    Mapanare, review and images of JALOBAYU

  • Group Exhibition "Prologue-Epilogue" in Newark, NJ

    The Gateway Project, 2 Gateway Center, Newark, NJ (near Newark Penn Station) )
    Dates: October 9- November 20, 2014
    Opening: October 9 from 6 to 9 pm
    Exhibition hours: Tues-Thurs 11 am to 6 pm
    I have an installation of photos, video and saris in this show and will be doing a performance/installation called "Water" on opening night at 7:30 pm. Curated by Jasmine Wahi and Rebecca Jampol.
    More details

  • Exhibition "Her Words: Storytelling with Saris

    Exhibition (installation of saris, video and journals) at Ted Kennedy Center,
    Dates: July 19-August 9, 2014
    Address: House 5, Rd 27(old), Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Inauguration and Book Launch: July 19,2014 at 5 pm (iftar at sundown)
    Artist's talk and closing reception: August 7, 2014 at 7 pm
    Review in Ananya Magazine
    Review in Janakantha
    Article in Dhaka Courier
    Article in Prothom Alo

  • Global Group Exhibition on Violence Against Women at World Bank

    "1 in 3": a multi-media exhibition on gender-based violence
    Address: World Bank Main Building, 1818 H St NW, Washington DC
    Time: Opening ceremony and reception, May 22, 2014, 5-8 pm
    MUST RSVP specialevents@worldbank.org by May 20.
    I have two-large paintings in this show, representing the North America region.

  • Panel Discussion on Asian American Environmental Activism

    "Asian American Environmentalism: Expansions, Connections & Social Change," moderated by Charles Lee, EPA Office of Environmental Justice
    Address: Congressional Visitors Center, Meeting Room North, 1st St SE, Washington, DC, hosted by the Asian Pacific Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
    Date: May 21, 2014, 4 pm - 5:30 pm
    rsvp to Lmohib@apaics.org

  • WATER, a performance/installation

    Address: Grace Exhibition Space, 840 Broadway, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY
    Date/Time: Friday, April 25, 9:30 pm.
    Using saris, fire, and water, the performance speaks to climate change and its destruction of lives and heritage.
    WATER is part of RECORD & GHOST (curated by Eames
    Armstrong), two nights of performances, addressing the role of document, archive, constructions, and remnants in performance itself and long after the fact.
    Event details

  • UNWRAPPED 2 performance/installation at Brooklyn Museum

    Address: Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY
    Time: Saturday, March 1, 2014, 8 pm
    This is part of SAWCC's Sublime Series presented for a "Women's Stories" first Saturdays Event as part of Women's History Month

  • UNWRAPPED at (e)merge art fair

    "Unwrapped," a performance/installation
    Address: Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I st. SW, Washington DC
    Time: October 3, 2013 at 6 pm (private preview) and October 6, 2013 at 12:30 pm
    Duration: one hour
    |http://freepdfhosting.com/9ea7e83534.pdfReview in Berlin Art Link|
    Washington City Paper Images
    Audio of post-performance dialogue at Hillyer Art Space
    Article in Art See

  • Sublime Virtue Performance/Installation

    Sublime Virtue, a performance/installation by Monica Jahan Bose at the Dumbo Arts Festival, as part of SAWCC's "Sublime," curated by Shelly Bahl, Sunita Mukhi, and Jasmine Wahi
    address: 100 Water Street, Brooklyn, NY (A and C trains to High Street)
    time: September 28 at noon and 4 pm, September 29 at noon.
    Statement with details
    Article in Epoch Times
    Cover Story Brooklyn Paper

  • Storytelling with Saris Exhibition Premiere

    "Layer by Layer: Storytelling with Saris"
    Address: Brentwood Arts Exchange, Gateway Arts Center, 3901 Rhode Island Ave, Brentwood, Maryland, 20722
    Dates: September 9-October 19, 2013
    Opening Reception: Saturday, September 14, 2013, 5 to 8 pm
    Panel discussion on Thursday, September 26, 2013, 6:30 to 8 pm: "Artivism: Can Art Effect Social Change?"; moderated by Helen Frederick
    Saturday, October 12, 2013, 3 to 5:30 pm, "All Wrapped Up." a closing event with sari and lungi wrapping, Bangla writing workshops on handmade paper, and a reception with Bengali snacks
    Gallery hours: Monday through Friday: 10 am – 7pm
    Saturday: 10 am – 4pm
    Sunday: Closed
    Brentwood Arts Exchange Website
    article in the Independent
    review in Art Asia Pacific
    review in the Sentinel
    ArtBeat Radio Report on WAMU

  • Bus Stop Bangladesh Performance/Installation

    Bust Stop Bangladesh: a performance/installation for Storytelling with Saris (supported by Art Lives Here though the National Endowment for the Arts)
    Address: 1 Municipal Place, Mt. Ranier, Maryland
    Dates: June 4, 12, 20th, 2013 5 pm to 7:30 pm
    Press Release
    Article in Dhaka Tribune
    Link to Video

  • Group Exhibition at Taubman Museum

    "Her Stories: Fifteen years of the South Asian Women's Creative Collective"
    Address: Taubman Museum of Art, 110 Salem Ave SE Roanoke, VA 24011
    Dates: June 10 - August 24, 2013
    Opening reception: June 14, 2013, 5 to 7:30 pm
    Taubman Museum Website

  • Project Update and Printmaking Demo on Storytelling with Saris

    "Storytelling with Saris," Monica Jahan Bose's artist's talk and printmaking demonstration
    Address: gallery of Brentwood Arts Exchange, Gateway Arts Center, 3901 Rhode Island Ave, Brentwood, Maryland
    Time: 3 to 5 pm, Saturday, March 16, 2013
    Independent's article on project

  • Group Show at Smith Center's Healing Arts Gallery

    "Be/Longing, art from the South Asian Women's Creative Collective" (curated by Monica Jahan Bose and Brooke Seidelmann)
    Address: Smith Center, Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery, 1632 U St, NW, Washington, DC 20009
    Dates: March 1- April 13, 2013
    Opening Reception, March 1, 2013, 7 - 9 pm
    Closing events on Saturday April 13, 2013:
    Performance of Indelible Scent by Monica Jahan Bose (3:30 - 4:30 pm)
    Artists' talk with special guest Masum Momaya (4:30 to 5:30 pm)
    Closing reception (5:30 to 7:00 pm).
    Gallery hours: W-F 11 - 5 pm and Saturday 11-3 pm (or by appointment).
    Review in Washington Post
    Press Release
    TV Broadcast about Be/Longing in Bangladesh with Voice of America on March 8, 2013

  • Solo Show at Cafritz Gallery, Patricia Sitar Art Center, Washington, DC

    "Collapsing Borders," February 7- March 8, 2013
    Address: Sitar Arts Center, 1700 Kalorama Road, NW, Washington, DC 20009
    Opening reception: 6:30 pm, February 7, 2013

  • Indelible Scent at Hillyer Art Space, Washington DC

    Address: Hillyer Interanational Arts & Artist, 9 Hillyer Ct. NW, Washington DC 20008
    Date: December 13, 2012, 7-9 pm
    Invitation and details
    Writeup on Indelible Scent by Erika Jackson

  • Art Asia Miami 2012 with Gallery Cosmos

    GALLERY COSMOS @ Art Asia Miami 2012
    International Contemporary Art Fair
    Address: Midtown Wynwood Arts District
    110 NE 36th Street @ Midtown Blvd
    Miami, Florida, Booth D10
    Dates: December 5 – 9, 2012
    VIP Vernissage, December 4, 2012 from 4 to 8 pm
    Fair hours from December 5 – 8, 2012 from 11 am to 7 pm
    December 9, 2012 from 11 am to 6 pm.
    As part of Art Asia Presents, I will be doing a performance/installation called "Indelible Scent." Performance times: December 4, 5, and 8 @ 6 pm.
    Press Release
    Miami Herald Print Edition, Dec. 5, 2012
    Miami Herald Basel Blog, Dec. 5, 2012
    The Daily Star, Dec. 4, 2012
    Patrick Ogle Article, Dec. 9, 2012
    Free Ticket to Fair

  • Article in Vibrant Bangladesh

    "Art and Liberation: The Perspective of Three Bangladeshi Women Artists," March 26, 2012, Vibrant Bangldesh Magazine
    I was asked to contribute an article for the special edition of "Vibrant Bangladesh" in commemoration of 40 years of Bangladesh's independence.

  • Group Show at Dhaka Art Center

    "Contemporary Voices," August 8-20, 2012
    Address: House 60, Road 7A Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1207
    Opening Reception, August 10, 2012, 4 - 8 pm

  • Group Show at Queens Museum of Art

    "Her Stories: Fifteen Years of the South Asian Women’s Creative Collective" (Curated by Jaishri Abichandani), Queens Museum of Art
    Address: Queens Museum of Art, New York City Building
    Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY 11368
    Exhibition Dates: August 11, 2012–October 7, 2012
    Opening Reception: Saturday, August 11, 3–6pm
    Please come to this gorgeous show, where I have a new mini sculptural installation.
    Queens Museum Website
    More Information

  • "Art, Identity, and Social Change," an artist's talk

    Department of Fine Arts, Hyderabad University, Hyderabad, India
    Time: Monday, July 30, 2012, 11:30 am

  • "Her Words: Storytelling with Saris," a presentation/talk

    Address: 39th Street Gallery, Gateway Art Center, 3900 Rhode Island Ave, Brentwood, MD
    Date: Thursday June 14, 2012, 7 pm
    I will be giving a talk/presentation about a collaborative printmaking and story project celebrating the achievement of literacy by women in the remote island community of Katakhali, Bangladesh, which is my ancestral village and part of an eco-project run by Samhati, a Maryland charity.
    More details

  • “Indelible Scent”: a performance/ installation

    DC Arts Center's gala, Cuisine des Artistes
    Date: May 10, 2012, 6:30 pm
    Address: Meridian House, 1630 Crescent Place NW, Washington, DC 20009
    I will be doing my first performative installation at this event.
    Tickets available at

  • Group Show at MOCA DC

    "Erotica 2012," MOCA DC Art Gallery
    Address: 1054 31st Street NW, Washington DC 20007
    Dates: March 2 - 31, 2012
    Opening Reception: March 2, 2012, 6 to 10 pm
    (Ground floor in the brick Canal Square Building, next to Parrish Gallery).

  • Duo Show at Sova, Washington, DC

    "Heart Warmer," February 15 - March 31, 2012
    Address: Sova, 1359 H Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
    Opening Reception: February 15, 7 to 11 pm
    Closing Party: Saturday, March 24, 2012, 8 pm to midnight

  • Group Show at Woman's National Democratic Club, Washington, DC

    "Digital Migrations"
    Address: 1526 Rhode Island Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20036
    Dates: November 1, 2011 - January 11, 2012
    Opening Reception: November 9, 2011, 6-9 pm

  • Red Dirt Open Studio, Mt. Ranier, Maryland, USA

    Red Dirt Open Studio, November 14, 2011, 1-5 pm
    Address; 3706 Otis Street, Mt. Ranier, MD 20712
    I have created a site-specific installation for this event using saris, sari blouses, copper, onions, and stones.

  • Group Exhibition at Patricia Sitar Art Center, Washington, DC

    "Portraits: 2nd Annual Juried Exhibtion," Oct. 31- Dec. 9. 2011
    Address: Sitar Arts Center, 1700 Kalorama Road, NW, Washington, DC 20009
    Opening reception and awards ceremony: 6:30 pm, Nov. 3, 2011
    The self-portrait "Estrogen/Moonlight by the Red River" won first prize in the show. I will have a solo show at Sitar Art Center in 2013.

  • South Asian Women's Creative Collective Annual Auction, New York, NY

    "SAWCC's 5th Annual Auction and Show," October 19, 2011
    Address: Saffronart, The Fuller Building,595 Madison Avenue, Suite 900, New York, NY 10022
    I am on the board of this artist's collective and participating in this event, showcasing work by a number of emerging and established artists.

  • Group Exhibition for Empowered Women International, Takoma Park, MD, USA

    "Speak Your Mind: The Lives and Stories of Muslim and Arab Women"
    June 1-25, 2011
    Address: 7500 Maple Ave, Takoma Park, MD
    Opening reception and artists' talk: June 11, 2011, 3:30 to 5:45 pm
    Monica Jahan Bose's Talk
    Article in the Gazette
    Article in the Independent

  • Solo Show at Embassy of Bangladesh, Washington, DC

    "Who Have You Left Behind?" Mixed-media paintings and installation, May 12-27, 2011
    Address: Embassy of Bangladesh, 3510 International Drive NW, Washington, DC 20008 Metro: Van Ness/UDC (Red Line)
    Opening Reception: May 12, 2011 from 6:30 - 9 pm
    Special Open House: Saturday, May 14 from 10:00 am to 6 pm
    Closing Reception: Friday, May 27 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
    Embassy Hours: Mon - Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm or by appointment
    Press Release
    Slideshow of Opening
    Slideshow of Installation
    Article in Daily Star
    Article in the Independent

  • Group Exhibition at Hillyer Art Space, Washington, DC

    Curated by Tom Wolff, March 4-25, 2011
    Address: 9 Hillyer Court, Washington, DC 20008 (metro: Dupont Circle)
    Opening Reception, March 4, 2011, 6 to 9 pm
    Slideshow of Opening
    Article in the Independent

  • Art Open House for Art Basel Miami Beach

    Friday, December 3, 2010, 5 to 9 pm
    900 16th Street (6 blocks from Art Basel)
    Miami Beach, FL 33139

  • Solo Show at Dhaka Art Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Group Show at Ganges Art Gallery, Kolkata, India

    "Pandora's Box," Ganges Art Gallery, June 23- July 4, 2010
    Address: 33A Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029
    Ganges Art Gallery

  • 14th Prix Antoine Marin, Emerging Painters' Exhibition, Arcueil, Paris

    Address: Galerie Municipale Julio Gonzalez, 21 av Paul Doumer, 94110 Arcueil.
    Opening reception: Friday, May 28, 2010, 6:30 pm.
    Exhibition continues until June 19, 2010.
    Hours: Thursdays and Fridays from 4 to 7 pm; Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to 7 pm.
    More Information and Directions
    My entry for exhibition, "Open the Door," acrylic, pigment and newspaper on canvas, 250 x 200 cm

  • Group Show at Atelier Madhu Basu, Bagnolet, Paris

    "Santiniketan," group show with Sharmila Roy and Utpal Chakroborty, April 9-11, 2010
    Address:90, rue Victor Hugo, 93170 Bagnolet, Metro: Robespierre (line 9)
    Opening reception, April 9, 2010, 6-9 pm.
    Dinner reception, April 11, 2010, 7-10 pm
    Slideshow of Opening
    Slideshow of Closing Reception with Paban Das Baul

  • Solo Show at Galerie Deborah Zafman, Paris

    "Tumi Ami: Spring Heat," March 19 through April 4, 2010
    Address: 3-5 passage Gravilliers, 75003 Paris.
    Works in Show
    English Press Release
    French Press Release
    Slideshow of Installation and Receptions
    Article in the Daily Star

  • Art Camp for Inauguration of Dhaka Art Center, January 1-2, 2010.

    Address: House 60, Road 7A Dhanmondi 1207
    Completed new work, "Happily Ever After."
    Slideshow of Inauguration and Art Camp

  • Solo show at La Galerie, Alliance Française, Dhaka

  • Duo Show at UNESCO, Paris for International Mother Language Day

    "Reflection/Narration: Where Are We Going?," duo exhibition with Imtiaj Shohag, February 19 - 23, 2009
    Address: UNESCO Headquarters, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75015 Paris
    UNESCO Program/Invitation
    Installation Slideshow
    Daily Star Article

  • Solo Show at Galerie Mediart, Paris

    "Water, Love, Language: Fragments of Identity," Jan. 24 - Feb. 1, 2009
    Address: 109, rue Quincampoix ,75003 Paris
    Galerie Mediart
    Press Release (English)
    Paris show installation and opening slideshow
    Prothom Alo article in Bangla
    Anannya Magazine Article in Bangla

  • Group Show at DFN Gallery, New York, NY, USA

    "Summer Flavors," July 5-29, 2001
    DFN Gallery

  • Solo Show at Genkan Gallery, Tokyo

    "Tokyo Scenes: Intersections, Balconies, and Interiors," Feb. 21- Mar. 5, 2000
    Genkan Gallery, TAC, 4-25-46 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Asian Economic News Review
    The Japan Times
    The Genkan Magazine
    The Daily Mainichi